Small and Medium Aspirations

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) represent the vast middle earth in the Indian business ecosystem. And as I write this, a gruelling war is getting fought by a multitude of firms to win this middle earth. Win relationships, win mandates, win contracts, win engagements – all so that when these SMEs become adults, businesses who have won now have prominent seats at the table

In a way we think of SMEs as a different class of businesses altogether. During a requirement analysis phase – for building a product or a service – the trap is in hastening to believe that SMEs have very unique businesses issues and try solving them. Quite the contrary – SMEs most often have the same set of challenges that large established players have. So rather than focusing on the challenges of SMEs, a better approach is to focus on their aspirations. Every small and medium business wants to become like – and be treated like – the big guys. The last thing they want is a condescending salesperson turn up at their doorstep and explain how – almost out of pity – they put together a product or solution for them

If a business is serious about serving SMEs it needs to work to help the SME get rid of that very tag. Help the small business to become as competitive – if not more – than the big business. Help the medium sized business break through the growth ceiling. In short, do just two things – one, align to aspirations and, two, help the Davids beat the Goliath (yes, even if Goliath happens to be your client)

I am so used to

I am so used to

  • checking at 4:30pm if the postman left mail in my letter box

  • going up to the post office to drop off my mail

  • waiting for the operator to call back saying my trunk dial request has gotten through

  • taking a day off every month to do my bank work and pay utility bills

  • queuing up to buy travel tickets

Actually the list is endless when stretched over the sands of time. That is why I get very nervous and worried when I see this phrase in communications used as a means to not try something new

What’s your favorite “I am so used to” phrase? How often do you encounter this phrase? If you ask me I’d say “I am so used to seeing this phrase” (oh, irony!)